Baxter Trophy 2019
Sunday 29th September 2019 Baxter Trophy Fewston Reservoir
Dear OFFC Member,
The annual match against Horwich Anglers will take place on Fewston Reservoir on Sunday September 29th. After 2 years without a win we’d like to get a good turn-out and see The Baxter Trophy return to Oldham. New members, who have not had the opportunity to take part before, will be particularly welcome. It’s an enjoyable event and an excellent opportunity to meet other anglers from our club. After the weigh in we are covering the cost of a carvery meal at Millstones Restaurant, not far from the match venue.
The cost for fishing the water is approximately £20.00. payable in cash on the day
Participants need to be at Fewston at 8.00 am ready for an 8.30 start. Fishing will conclude at 4.00 pm.
Dave Saville has very kindly agreed to coordinate things for us. If you are taking part please contact Dave as soon as possible – and in any case no later than Sunday September 22nd. Dave needs to confirm catering requirements and to liaise with the fishery management team about numbers. Dave can be reached at or on 07592301339.